Betsy visits Linda at Lake in Bennettsville SC

February 11, 2018 Betsy is gathering Chi for
The 2018 T'aiChi Chih Teacher Conference!

We will had time to fill ourselves with chi at Lake Paul Wallace in Bennettsville, SC

Looks like I am floating on the Sea!

Have you practiced The Nei Kung?
Justin Stone writes about it in 
Here is a short version...

This Energy Sea,
This T'an T'ien
From below the naval
To the soles of feet
Filled with the fullness of life

Are you rooted by still waters?
When we practice T'ai Chi Chih
we can FEEL the Bubbling Springs

Here is the small pier that Linda showed me where she practices T'ai Chi Chih.
The fishermen love this because the fish are attracted!

So graetful for the spirit of CHI from our T'ai Chi Chih Community to hold our hearts together in joy through the all the days of reaching in growth and returning to healing. Looking forward in hope to see you at the 2018 T'ai Chi Chih Teacher Conference!!!

Betsy Ross

#TCCConf2018 #TCCBetsyAndBen #TaiChiChih
(Thank You Linda Jones for building our Chi!)


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