Betsy changes her travel itinerary

February 26, 2018 Betsy is gathering Chi for
The 2018 T'ai Chi Chih Teacher Conference!

Greetings from Betsy who anticipated an international destination on her travels this month but alas found that the Chi had other plans. So Betsy is adjusting her itinerary enroute and she is on her way again today!

Betsy is going with the Flow. When the currents of life move you there is wisdom in acceptance.

My Daddy always spoke of a angel watching over him and gave me this one who hangs from my driver's visor. He said the tire that flew off the trailer or the engine trouble that delayed our travel was in our best interest to avoid unforeseen calamity.

So we learned to let go of expectations and to accept that our vacation is exactly as it is meant to be. Every day is to be celebrated. What a delight that those watermelons on the trailer of that auto mechanic's truck, when he came to unlock the shop for our repair, were the yummiest we ever ate!

Do you remember to take a joyous breath of fresh air and enjoy the passing clouds when life is other designs for you? Remember to just breathing because all the rest is simply story to tell and if you are still breathing it is a successful story in the end.

We are so bubbling over with joy to see everyone together again! Please send only your love and joy to those whose path might be in an unexpected direction this year (or decade) and cheers to each of us who can come together to send the CHI to them in the air.

Have you taken a look at who is coming to the 2018 T'ai Chi Chih Teacher Conference yet?

You can find that and more conference info...

Chi-FULLY in Emptiness,
Betsy Ross

#TCCConf2018 #TCCBetsyAndBen #TaiChiChih
(Thank You Janet Starr for building our Chi!)


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